
Discover the hidden energies that surround you with Astro Karma's specialized Dowsing services. Dr. P. Shalaka, with her 13+ years of experience, is a leading expert in the field of Dowsing. Whether you're seeking answers to life's questions or looking to harmonize your environment, Astro Karma provides accurate and insightful Dowsing solutions. Experience the transformative power of energy detection and alignment, and let us guide you towards a path of clarity and well-being

  1. Pendulum Selection: Choose a pendulum that resonates with you for accurate readings.
  2. Question Framing: Always frame your questions in a clear and concise manner to get precise answers.
  3. Environment: Conduct dowsing in a quiet and undisturbed space to ensure the accuracy of results.
  4. Calibration: Before starting, calibrate your pendulum to understand its movements for 'yes' and 'no' answers.
  5. Protection: Always set an intention for protection and guidance before you begin dowsing.

Embrace these essential Vastu Shastra tips to create a living space that not only harmonizes with the natural elements but also attracts prosperity, well-being, and positive energy. Whether you're a businessman, a professional, or simply someone looking to enhance your home's aura, these guidelines offer a quick yet comprehensive roadmap to a balanced and fulfilling life.

